- Landscape Publication Award — 2015

The Transport Agency Urban Design and Landscape Guidelines are two visually engaging documents, which focus on ensuring appropriate environmental and landscape outcomes are achieved around state highways.

The Transport Agency Urban Design and Landscape Guidelines are two visually engaging documents, which focus on ensuring appropriate environmental and landscape outcomes are achieved around state highways. They are comprehensive in nature and work to clearly articulate the Transport Agency's commitment to the New Zealand Urban Design Protocol and, subsequently, to broader landscape and environmental expectations and outcomes. These documents demonstrate evolving commitment to our urban environments and landscape as important components of their projects. Together, the documents enable best practice Landscape Architecture and Urban Design to be accessible to all and therefore have a far greater role in the structure and design of our infrastructure, ensuring positive change in the way future highway projects are envisioned.
Name of Entry: The Transport Agency Urban Design and Landscape Guidelines
Name of Entrant: NZ Transport Agency, Boffa Miskell, Isthmus
Name of Client: New Zealand Transport Agency