- NZILA Award of Excellence / Residential Multi-Unit Dwelling — 2019

The Long Bay development is a complex and unique project which involves the urbanisation of this large-scale landholding by a single developer in a sensitive natural environment. This provided the opportunity for landscape and ecology to form the basis of the master planning approach which aimed to strike the right balance between efficient use of land and protection and enhancement of the natural environment.
Encompassing 162 hectares of the East Coast Bays undulating coastal landscape, Long Bay is part of a sensitive and valued natural landscape which includes the Long Bay Regional Park, and the wider Long Bay – Okura Marine Reserve. The coastline and beach to the east of the development is a key part of Long Bay’s character, as is the Vaughan’s Stream which bisects the site and the Awaruku Stream, which forms the southern boundary between this new community and the existing Torbay suburbs.
Boffa Miskell first became involved in the Long Bay development at the initial structure plan phase over a decade ago, when the company provided landscape planning and ecology input. In early 2009 Boffa Miskell became more deeply involved in the project when it was engaged by Todd Property Group to form an integral part of the master planning team for the development. Providing landscape design and ecological advice, Boffa Miskell worked in cooperation with other project partners to create the final masterplan being implemented today.

Judges Citation:
Long Bay is a successful example of how landscape architecture can deliver a quality large scale residential development on a greenfield site by responding to natural context and ecology, and through a sensitive approach to stormwater management.
Landscape amenity has been designed to be at the heart of the neighbourhood, and the combination of the adjacent natural environment together with the open spaces and ‘Garden Streets’ create a compelling sense of place for residents. Intelligent use of hard landscape materiality and the generous native planting within the streetscape promote the aspiration of ‘streets as public spaces’. In addition, the careful consideration of on-street parking ensures that generous space remains for other street based activities. The integration of water sensitive urban design throughout the development is impressive in its scope, informing different densities of development across the site through to incorporating rain gardens within the streets. Riparian and re-vegetation planting cover extensive areas of the site, improving ecological functionality and increasing habitat and biodiversity.
The success of the design approach at Long Bay is evident through its use as an exemplar for Auckland Council Code of Practice and Long Bay is very deserving of this Award of Excellence.
Client: Todd Property Group
Company: Boffa Miskell
Internal collaborators
Boffa Miskell
External collaborators
Construct Urban Design, Surface Design, Woods