- NZILA Award of Excellence / Unbuilt Visionary — 2017
On Home Ground was a design competition entry in late 2015 that sought to memorialise the Centenary of WWI via the Auckland Domain ‘frontage’ of the Auckland War Memorial Museum.
On Home Ground was a design competition entry in late 2015 that sought to memorialise the Centenary of WWI via the Auckland Domain ‘frontage’ of the Auckland War Memorial Museum.
The intent of On Home Ground is respectful of both the Maori and European heritage of the place – Puke Kawa, while creating the further opportunity for ceremonial and daily use of the commanding site. The latter envisaged a layering of spaces via terraces and seating lines and also pokutukawa- shaded walks, and meeting places that echoes the inhabitation and occupation of the space, evoking memories that war has affected our nation from pre-colonial times through to the present day.
The intended composition of elements and materials in both the hard and soft landscape treatment respond well to the setting and its historical and cultural references. The overall conceptual design and the story it told was seen as a worthy response by the proposal’s design collective and it was a good portrayal of ‘integrated thinking on matters pertaining to memorials, culture and landscape’.
Name of Entry: WW1 Centenary Memorial Competition
Name of Entrant: Isthmus Group Ltd
Name of Client: Auckland Museum