- NZILA Award of Excellence / Commercial — 2017

VXV Plaza, set within Auckland’s Wynyard Quarter, provides a generous public open space on private land. The design team developed a strong historic narrative for the site, referencing the area’s industrial heritage; this narrative is the driving force behind the layout of the plaza, as well as material and furniture selections.

VXV Plaza, set within Auckland’s Wynyard Quarter, provides a generous public open space on private land. The design team developed a strong historic narrative for the site, referencing the area’s industrial heritage; this narrative is the driving force behind the layout of the plaza, as well as material and furniture selections.
Once the precinct is complete the plaza will offer welcome respite from the built form, especially when viewed from above, and will become a valuable asset for the area.
The client’s sustainability values are clearly expressed in the final design. The project goes beyond simple aesthetics with its use of sustainably sourced timber and innovative approach to stormwater treatment in a highly contaminated environment. For this the project is to be commended.
Name of Entry: VXV Plaza
Name of Entrant: Jasmax
Name of Client: Goodman