- NZILA Award of Excellence Student — 2017

Daniel Whatnall - School of Architecture and Design, Victoria University of Wellington / Boffa Miskell
The project ‘A Rising Storm’ utilises the Kilbirnie Isthmus as a case study for sea level rise, adaption to flood events and the development of landscape infrastructure to cope with inevitable change in sea level.

The project ‘A Rising Storm’ utilises the Kilbirnie Isthmus as a case study for sea level rise, adaption to flood events and the development of landscape infrastructure to cope with inevitable change in sea level. Vulnerable edges are identified and a ‘retreat, redirect and absorb’ methodology is utilised to cleverly redesign streets, industrial areas and community facilities. These are presented in a series of images that are set well into the context of the site. Included in the project are some excellent examples of hand drawn speculative design work. In addition to this, the diagrammatic representations of street configuration and the impact of change in sea level are integral to the visual communication of the research project.
Name of Entry: A Rising Storm
Name of Entrant: Daniel Whatnall
Name of Client: School of Architecture and Design, Victoria University of Wellington / Boffa Miskell